Tuesday trading session in the American stock market can be generally characterized as a day of abrupt movements.

At the opening, the market entered active correction due to growing inflation expectations; however, by the time of writing this review, it recouped about a half of the decline.
As at 8:00 p.m. (MSK), S&P500 index fell by 0.65%, Dow Jones went down about 0.4%, and NASDAQ technology index lost 1.9% — more than the others — due to many IT companies’ stock being overbought.


Investment research

Investment ideas. Stocks. NRG US

NRG Energy Inc. (NRG US) is one of the leading independent power producers in the USA. It owns and operates a diverse portfolio of power-generating facilities producing about 23,000 MW of power with ...


Investment ideas. Stocks. PAH3 GY

Porsche (PAH3 GY) is a popular global premium-class carmaker. A Volkswagen Group company, it holds majority stake in its parent (about 53% of VW’s equity). Porsche recently entered e-mobility market ...


Investment ideas. Stocks. PRGS US

Progress So ware Corpora on (PRGS US) develops, markets, and distributes so ware. It serves customers in the United States. The Company specializes in so ware for crea on and deployment of applica ...



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