Investment ideas. Stocks. ATVI US

Ac􀀁 vision Blizzard Inc. (ATVI US) is one of the most successful players in gaming and entertainment industry.
Its core business is development and distribution of content and services for video game consoles, personal
computers and mobile devices. The Company is the largest producer of video games, including best-selling
video game franchises: World of Warcraft, Overwatch, Candy Crush, and Call of Duty. Purchase to the
“Optimum” portfolio at $93.15. Portfolio share 3%.


Обратная связь

«Московские партнеры» – инвестиционная компания, ориентированная на работу с:

  • фондами прямых и венчурных инвестиций
  • перспективными компаниями малой и средней капитализации
  • частными инвесторами

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