Macroeconomic review: Federal Reserve’s policy implications

Since early 2020, Federal Reserve has pursued Quantitative Easing (QE) policy, that is, it purchases mortgage
bonds and Government bonds expanding its balance sheet. Federal Reserve’s policy has critical influence
today on equity markets, for the following reasons:


Investment research

American stock indexes were divergent on Friday.

The main focus today is on the pandemics and coronavirus spread in the U.S. To remind, the United States leads the world’s statistics of COVID-19 new infections and deaths. As at 7:15 p.m. (MSK), S&P500 ...


American stock market keeps beating new records.

Key indexes exceeded historical maximums again on Monday. The main driver for investors was hopes for approval of a new stimulus package in the near future. As at 7:45 p.m. (MSK), S&P500 and Dow Jones ...


Macroeconomic review: global indicators and Russia’s socio-economic development indicators



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