Weekly Mirror. Episode 20


Inflation, Biden vs. Trump, Israeli–Palestinian conflict, cybersecurity, cryptocurrencies.

In the Weekly Mirror, we discuss the most important events of the week just passed and highlights of the week to come, trying to predict the market’s reaction. 

My co-host is Dmitri Abzalov, a well-known political scientist, President of the Strategic Communications Center and a frequent guest of political shows on major Russian channels. 


The information provided is not an individual investment recommendation.

Обратная связь

«Московские партнеры» – инвестиционная компания, ориентированная на работу с:

  • фондами прямых и венчурных инвестиций
  • перспективными компаниями малой и средней капитализации
  • частными инвесторами

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